Sunday 13 October 2013

Existing college magazines- analysis

The media product to the left is a college magazine front cover, produced and manufactured by a college. The cover is filled with information in the form of text and images which represent the magazine in different ways. The first thing I notice is the medium shot, main image of what seems to be a college student as he is holding textbooks which suggests to me that the magazine is about students, for students. However I believe the magazine may also be targeted at parents as it is trying to convince them that the college is good for their son or daughter. This is expressed to the viewer by the way that the model is smiling at the camera as it suggests that he is enjoying his studies. The model is also staring into the camera implying the magazine is reaching out to you personally and including you in the college’s thoughts and ideas. The image isn't as bold as it possibly could be as he is dressed in very plain and dark clothing making him blend into the background slightly, however this does allow the white and yellow text to jump out at you. I think that the producers have purposefully made the man’s head cover part of the masthead to suggest that it is a well established magazine. This could have been done purposely to tempt people to read it as it suggests lots of people have heard of it so it must be good. The use of a black background is unusual as it doesn't make the magazine stand out but it may have been used to represent the magazine as professional and sophisticated. It also allows the yellow and white text to stand out, drawing your eyes to the most important sections. This is specifically useful in drawing you to the masthead as it appears to be the brightest, boldest and biggest text on the page. The plug is also very eye catching as it is an extremely bright pink colour which isn't used anywhere else on the page. The colours used in the advert are gender neutral along with the font of the text and so suggest it is aimed at a general student audience and is not gender specific. The magazine cover uses lots of different fonts which make it more interesting. The fonts used are all very modern appealing to the younger generation and the magazines target market. The barcode, price and date are all placed in the conventional places again giving the magazine a professional touch. Overall I think that this magazine front cover is very effective and uses all the conventions that attract its target audience.

The media product to the right is again a college magazine which was designed and made by students and for students. The magazine cover again has a lot of information on it but less then the last example which I prefer as it comes across as more relaxed and simple. The main image stands out the most on the page as it is central and brightly coloured drawing your eyes directly to it. The photographer has used a medium shot which allows the 'i<3smu' T-shirt to be seen, implying that she believes it is a good college. This reaches out to the parent audience as it enforces the idea that it is a good college for their daughter or son. This is reinforced by the way that the model looks healthy and happy. The model is also staring into the camera which appeals to the student audience as it looks as though its reaching out to them personally tempting them and making them want to read it. The image is very bold using a bright red colour to catch your eye, this draws you to the magazine initially before you have the chance to read the exciting headings and sell lines. In addition to this the red colour also contrasts with the green background making it stand out even more. However this stops the sell lines etc from standing out as much compared to the previous example. Like the previous magazine the women's head slightly covers the masthead which has probably again been used to suggest that the magazine is well established and popular within the college. The producers have used a natural and outdoor setting for the background of the cover which I believe has been done to suggest that the magazine and the college is fresh. The background has been blurred which I think this has been done to make the focus the model and the text, especially the masthead. The masthead is the brightest and the boldest text on the page, the red colour blends with the red T-shirt that the model is wearing creating a bright colour scheme. The colours used on the cover are again gender neutral but are really bright and energetic to appeal to the younger generation and the magazines main audience. The fonts used are again very modern and easy to read appealing to the younger audience. The sell lines have very similar fonts and all use the colours black and blue which don't stand out as much as the sell lines on the previous magazine but I think this has been done so that the cover doesn't become too overwhelming. This magazine uses some of the most important conventions, such as the barcode in the bottom right corner and the date and price. This is very useful in making the magazine front cover effective and overall I think its a successful front cover. 

The magazine to the left is a college magazine for students and parents made by the college itself. The magazine cover has a lot of text on it which stands out to the viewer instantly due to the bright colours, however the focus is the main image. The main image is a medium shot just like the other two examples allowing the model to be fully seen. The model is smiling and looking into the camera which I think has been purposefully done to make the viewer think that he likes this college and think its the right choice for potential students. This appeals to the parent audience as it makes them believe its a good college for their son or daughter. The model also appears quite 'cool' which may appeal to potential students and current students. Potential students might believe they can be like him if they attend this college and current students may believe they can be as 'cool' as him if they read the magazine. The model doesn't stand out as much as he possibly could due to him wearing quite dark clothing but due to the background colour being slightly lighter he still stands out. The dark clothing on the model and the dark background allow the bright blue and yellow text to stand out, this is what draws you to the magazine initially. Like on the other two examples the model's head covers part of the masthead which again has probably been done to show that it is an established magazine which lots of students and parents read. A dark background has been used again like on the first example which is quite unusual but it does allow the text to stand out and particularly the masthead. Your eyes are instantly drawn to the bright blue, bold and big masthead as it is the most eye catching thing on the page. I think this is essential as the the viewer needs to know what the magazines name is more than anything else so that they can purchase it again. The colours used in the cover aren't specific to any gender however I believe that the magazine would appeal to males more than females. The colours are vibrant and energetic and so stand out to the young audience. The sell lines all use a similar font but use different sizes. The bigger the size of the text the more your attracted to it you are and so they have put the most important sell lines in a larger text to draw you to them, this is really effective. This magazine also follows conventions by having a barcode, a price and a date on it, which is very effective in selling the product as it makes it look professional.

I have looked at these existing magazine front covers to look at the typical conventions found on a college magazine and also to get some ideas about my own front cover. It has helped me a lot and I have found many similarities between the three magazines which I am going to try to incorporate into my own magazine front cover.

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