Sunday 13 October 2013

Unused photo's

These are the photo's that I took on my shoot which use models:

When taking these photo's I experimented with the different positions of the models and also changed the distance from the models whilst still maintaining a medium close-up shot, they are all very similar. The girls are holding folders and looking quite happy which suggests that they are enjoying college life so one of these images could be useful to use as it might not only appeal to the student audience but also the parent one. This is because its suggests that the college is good for their son or daughter. I took the photo's with the Wyke sign in the background because I thought this might draw the magazine to the college theme however now I realise this doesn't leave much room for a masthead if placed in the conventional place. Therefore if I use one of the above photo's I might have to edit it so that it has another background. I do however like having my models in the bottom left corner as it is the conventional place and leaves plenty of room for the other features.

These are the photo's I took on my shoot that include only the background:

When taking these photo's I used a wide shot to get as much background in as possible to show the college campus and show to both students and parents that it is a good college to attend. The majority of the photos represent the college in a good way therefore achieving this.I took photo's in various places around the college but only a few of them are suitable for a college magazine. In addition to this, if I were to use one of these photo's I would need to crop it so it appears to be taken as a portrait because these photo's are landscape which isn't a convention of college magazines. However these photo's turned out quite well other than that.

This is the image I have chose to use for my final college magazine front cover:

Out of all of the images I have taken I have decided to use this photo for my final front cover. I think this photo will work very well on the front of a college magazine because it clearly uses the campus background which links the photo to the main theme. Also the models look happy and are holding folders so you can easily tell that they are college students giving the college a good image. The image uses a medium close-up as this is a convention of many magazines and it also allows you to see the models more closely showing their facial expressions etc. The shot also allows enough room to place the masthead and sell lines so this is also a good feature of the photo. This photo needs some editing but not a lot and therefore means the photo will look as natural as possible giving the final front cover a professional look.

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