Sunday 13 October 2013

LIIAR analysis of a magazine front cover

The main image used on the cover is a medium shot and has many connotations, the most obvious being fairytale like. Alexa Chung is already seen as beautiful and almost princess like, this image reinforces that as she's wearing a pure white dress and has flawless skin making her look perfect. This links with the main cover line which read 'Enchantment' as she appears enchanting. The image also connotates adventure as she's also wearing a brown hat and jacket. The brown hat to me symbolises 'Indiana Jones' suggesting that she's going on an adventure. Alexa also has a strong and demanding pose which along with her eyes looking straight into the camera suggests that she is connecting with you individually making people want to buy the magazine to read about Alexa's 'couture adventure'. Alexa's head covers the letter 'G' in the masthead which shows that it is a very recognisable brand which is well established as people know that it is 'Vogue' without the whole brand being there. The masthead 'Vogue' is printed in a much larger text than anything else and stands out, it uses a very recognisable font which is used on every one of their magazines so that people know that they are reading 'Vogue'. However the masthead uses a different colour on every magazine to link to the overall colour scheme of the particular issue. On this edition they have used the colour pink as the colour scheme is white, pink and brown. This colour scheme has been inspired by the image as it uses brown and white, the pink text brings the magazine to life and reminds the viewer that it is a magazine for females. The pink also gives the magazine variety and depth as it would be quite plain and simple without it and I don't think as many people would have bought it on its appearance. In addition to this I think the pink links back to the connotation of a fairytale as this is the colour you mainly associate with a princess. The main cover line is printed in a much larger font than the rest of the text implying that this is what they want you to be drawn to, this line is also printed in quite a girly font again reinforcing the fact that the magazine is for women. The other text (the sell lines) are all printed in different fonts and sizes. Some of the text is printed in a very girly font and some of it is printed in a very strong and bold, which suggests to me that these are the sell lines that they want you to be drawn to more than anything else. Some of the sell lines are also very intriguing and make you want to read on into the magazine to see what it's about and so this is very influential in making the viewer want to buy the magazine. The last thing that I notice when looking at the magazine is the date in the top left corner, this is because it is in very small writing however still manages to stand out as it doesn't follow the colour scheme as it is printed in bold black. I think this is because the editor doesn't want that to be a main thing but just wants it to be able to be seen if looked for and is necessary.

Vogue is an international magazine which is now published monthly in 23 national and regional editions. It was first founded by Arthur Turnure in America in 1892 and came to Britain in 1916. As the years have gone by 'Vogue' has turned into a large global company which is very famous and is known as a fashion and lifestyle magazine. The publisher of the magazine since 2010 is Susan Plagemann and is said to have developed the magazine and its brand. The magazine is very successful which we can tell by looking at the models they use. All of their models are very famous and are role models, therefore if the magazine wasn't successful these big names wouldn't want to promote it. 'Vogue's' success keeps on growing as they find more ways to increase their profits all the time, for example they have recently made the magazine available to download on peoples phones and other technologies hugely increasing their profits. You can also subscribe to 'Vogue' so that you receive each issue. 'Conde Nast' currently owns 'Vogue' which are a huge company known for working with big brands like 'Gucci' and 'Chanel'. 

There are many beliefs and values that this magazine expresses and communicates to the reader, the main being wealth. 'Vogue' is probably the biggest fashion magazine in the world and it knows this and so is not afraid to challenge conventions. The use of famous female models shows their wealth as well because normal magazines couldn't afford to hire these people to be on their magazines, these models also make the magazine appear trustworthy as they are people we look up to. The wealth of the magazine also gives it a high class feel and makes the women who buy the magazine feel special and like they are part of a society. This high class look also comes across in the main images, the models always have little make up on and are very natural which shows that they don't have to make their models outstandingly unique to make people intrigued as this is not the audience they are reaching out to and are instead trying to attract middle aged adults. Another main ideology of the magazine is sophistication, the magazine always uses a sophisticated layout which sticks to a colour scheme and never looks over crowded.

The magazines main audience is middle aged adults (20-35 year olds) due to it being sophisticated and a high cost. This is because the sophisticated look doesn't tend to appeal to the younger generation as they often look for outstanding colours and wild models (for example cosmopolitan) and the high cost of £4.10 means they can't generally afford it, whereas the older generation often have paid jobs and so can afford to indulge in the magazine. The magazine also advertises a lot of expensive goods that aren't just found on the high street like the items advertised in glamour, therefore the magazine's audience is also wealthy people. The use of middle aged women on the cover the majority of the time is a big signifier that the magazine is for middle aged women as it will appeal to them more, whereas teenagers are less likely to want to buy it. The magazine is also aimed at people who have a keen interest in fashion as it is the biggest fashion magazine. Vogue have also made many other magazines to accompany the ever growing target market, these include: Vogue men, Vogue teen and Vogue living.

Alexa Chung is the model used for the main image on this magazine and think she links with the genre of the magazine very well. This is due to her being the same age as the target audience and due to her being known for her fabulous fashion style. This makes people want to buy the magazine as they may think that they can look and dress like her., she therefore acts as a very good role model for providing tips about fashion again making the magazine trustworthy. Her brown hair and her clothing also links with the colour scheme of pink, brown and white. Alexa is also looking directly into the camera and pulling a confident face which includes the audience in the magazine saying if you want to look like me read this magazine. Alexa Chung is seen as being very cool and so people may associate the magazine as being cool in future issues and will carry on buying the magazine increasing the number of readers.

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