Friday 15 November 2013

My Response to the Focus Group

Focus group response:
The focus group video was very useful to me because it allowed me to see what fans of the Indie Rock genre are generally interested in so I have an idea of the content that I should include in my magazine, such as having a feature on Leeds festival. My focus group also used a 16 year old female which is very useful to me because students from the age of 16 will be my target audience and so I now have a greater understanding of what they expect from a magazine and what they would like to see.
The focus group video has helped me to make many decisions, such as the artists that will feature on the front cover and the plug that I might use. The person featured in my video said that her 3 favourite bands/artists were Arctic Monkeys, Kasabian and The Stone Roses, so I will try to feature a couple of these on my front cover however I feel that some other artists may reflect the Indie Rock genre better and so I may include these as well. From asking other Indie Rock fans I have found that the most popular artists of this genre seemed to be Arctic Monkeys, Foals and Arcade Fire so I will try to include all of these on my front cover. My video also helped me to decide on the plug that I might use on my front cover which is 'First 10 Leeds fest acts released!'. I think that this is suitable plug because the person featured in my video said that she had been to Leeds fest the previous year and was thinking about going again the next year and so I believed that this was something that many Indie Rock fans would be interested in due to it being one of the largest festivals for this genre of music.
All of the responses that I received were what I expected to get from the focus group. When I created the questions I had an idea of what the answers would be and they were very similar to the ones received. I expected that the featured person would have been to a few concerts during the year because many music fans like to do this, especially fans of the Indie Rock genre. I also suspected that she would either have been to or planned on going to Leeds festival due to it being such a massive success. The only response I was a little surprised by was that 'The Stone Roses' was one of her favourite bands as it is more of a Rock band whereas she stated her favourite genre of music was Indie Rock. Therefore I maybe won't feature this band in my magazine.
From the responses that I received to my questions I now know that students around the age of 16 who are Indie Rock music fans go to around 2 concerts a year and are interested in going to Leeds festival at some time in their life. This information will help me when creating my magazine to decide on the features and content of my magazine. I also know that there are certain artists that are popular in the Indie Rock genre which I should mention to attract my intended audiences interest. These are Arctic Monkeys and Kasabian.
The response I received didn't change any of my initial ideas but helped to reinforce them and allowed me to make a definite decision over certain choices. The response also gave me some new ideas such as including Leeds festival in a feature or on a plug.

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